Sociology class 11 revision notes, NCERT solutions Arts CBSE - Free PDF Download


Feb 5, 2015
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Class XII
Dear Class 11 Students, I am sharing the Class 11th Sociology subject brief revision notes, textbook solutions and solved papers PDF file as per Arts CBSE syllabus. This PDF file for Sociology class 11 subject will help you prepare quickly for your exams, find answers to textbook problems as well as get solved previous papers.

List of topics/chapters covered in Sociology quick revision notes, NCERT solutions PDF File for Arts CBSE syllabus:

  • Unit 1: Society and Sociology and Relationship with other Social Sciences - Introducing Society: Individuals and collectivities. Plural Perspectives, Introducing Sociology: Emergence. Nature and Scope. Relationship to other disciplines
  • Unit 2: Basic Concepts and their use in Sociology - Social Groups, Status and Role, Social Stratification, Society & Social Control
  • Unit 3: Understanding Social Institutions - Family, Marriage and Kinship, Work & Economic Life, Political Institutions, Religion as a Social Institution, Education as a Social Institution
  • Unit 4: Culture and Socialization - Culture, Values and Norms: Shared, Plural, Contested, Socialization: Conformity, Conflict and the Shaping of Personality
  • Unit 5: Doing Sociology: Research Methods - Methods: Participant Observation, Survey, Tools and Techniques: Observation, Interview, Questionaire, The Significance of Field Work in Sociology
  • Unit 6: Structure, Process and Stratification - Social Structure, Social Stratification: Class, Caste, Race, Gender, Social Processes: Cooperation, Competition, Conflict
  • Unit 7: Social Change and Social order in Rural & Urban Society - Social Change: Types and Dimensions; Causes and Consequences, Social Order: Domination, Authority and Law; Contestation, Crime and Violence, Village, Town and City: Changes in Rural and Urban Society
  • Unit 8: Environment and Society - Ecology and Society, Environmental Crises and Social Responses, Sustainable Development
  • Unit 9: Introducing Western Sociologists - Karl Marx on Class Conflict, Emile Durkheim on Division of Labour, Max Weber on Bureaucracy
  • Unit 10: Indian Sociologists - G.S. Ghurye on Race and Caste, D.P. Mukherjee on Tradition and Change, A.R. Desai on the State, M.N. Srinivas on the Village
Please click the download link below to get PDF file containing Sociology notes, NCERT solutions for Class 11 Arts CBSE syllabus.


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