Retailing & retail formats lecture notes,ebook,pdf download for MBA student


Feb 19, 2015
Student of
Hi Fellas,

Check out this superb ebook on Retailing & retail formats for MBA and Management students. There are few lecture notes with me that i will share later.The modules covered in this PDF are as follows:

Retailing & retail formats

Overview of Retailing

What is retailing? A retailer role in distribution channel; Functions performed by retailers; Social and Economic Significance of retailing. Selection of retailing and distribution; channels around the world; Retail Management decision proves

Multi-channel Retailing

Retail channels for interacting with customers; Store channel; Catalog Channel; Internet Channel;Personalization; Selling merchandise; Role of Brands; Overcoming limitation of an earning format; Expending market presence

Management of Service

Retailers provides health care services; Strategic advantage through customer service; Customer service strategies; Customers service at IKEA; Customers evaluations of service quality; Role of expectation; Perceived service; Knowing what customers what the knowledge gap;

Types of Retailers-1

Retailers characterstics; Netlike attracts compitators; Variety and assortment; Food retailers Supermakets; Supercenter; Warehouse clubs; Hypermarkets; Convenience stores

Types of Retailers-2

Category specialists; Extreme value retailer; Off price retailers; Electronic retailers; Catalog and direct mail retailer; Direct selling. Services retailing

Retail Customer

Consumer Behavior; Why do people shop; Factors affecting consumer decision making; Demographics; psychological environmental and lifestyle; perception and learning; culture and subculture; Stages of the consumer decision process; Consumer decision rules.

Product Management

Role of product management in retail business; the pantaloon store in Mumbai; Brand Management and retailing; Merchandise budget ;Life cycle stages; Inventory plan; Target market analysis.

Merchandise Management

Merchandising budget; Merchandise planning in units; Merchandising differentiation; Dimension of the merchandising line; category management; Merchandising management in bowins retail segments; Evaluating merchandise performance; Financial objectives of merchandising.


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