English Core subject in Class 11 CBSE is designed to improve the language skills of students in areas such as reading, writing, and communication. It covers various topics such as prose, poetry, grammar, and composition, which help students in developing critical thinking, creativity, and effective communication. Your search for English Core notes/eBook and sample papers for class 11 course ends here!
I am sharing the complete study material for English Core for class 11 students of CBSE and based on the NCERT book. The attached PDF file contains comprehensive lecture notes for your preparation of English Core subject for class 11 exams.
Here are the key topics covered within this study material of English Core Class 11 CBSE Notes, eBook & Sample Papers (NCERT Based):

I am sharing the complete study material for English Core for class 11 students of CBSE and based on the NCERT book. The attached PDF file contains comprehensive lecture notes for your preparation of English Core subject for class 11 exams.
Here are the key topics covered within this study material of English Core Class 11 CBSE Notes, eBook & Sample Papers (NCERT Based):
- Section A - Reading Comprehension: Short Readings, Long Readings, Note Making
- Section B - Writing Skills: Short composition, Poster writing, Article writing, Speech writing, Report Writing, Factual Description, Letter Writing
- Section C - Grammar: Determiners, Tenses, Clauses, Modals
- Section D - Textual Questions
- Section E - Long Reading Text (Novel)
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