[PDF] Computer Integrated Manufacturing Notes, eBook Download


Feb 21, 2015
Hey buddies, I am sharing the PDF eBook and notes for Computer integrated manufacturing as per the syllabus of production engineering branch students. This eBook for Computer integrated manufacturing will help you in your studies for your semester examination and assist you in getting good marks.

The following topics are covered in these notes & eBook of Computer Integrated Manufacturing:

Introduction: The meaning and origin of CIM, The changing manufacturing and management scenario, External communication, Islands of automation and software, Dedicated and open systems, Manufacturing automation protocol, Product related activities of a company, Marketing engineering, Production planning, Plant operations, Physical distribution, Business and financial management.

Computer Aided Process planning: Role of process planning in CAD/CAM integration, Approaches to computer aided process planning- Variant approach and Generative approaches, CAPP and CMPP process planning systems.

Shop Floor Control and FMS: Shop floor control-phases, Factory data collection system, Automatic identification methods- Bar code technology, Automated data collection system, FMS-components of FMS - types -FMS workstation, Material handling and storage systems, FMS layout, Computer control systems-application and benefits.

CIM Implementation: CIM and company strategy, System modeling tools-IDEF models, Activity cycle diagram, CIM open system architecture (CIMOSA), Manufacturing enterprise wheel, CIM architecture, Product data management, CIM implementation software. [06 Lectures]

Data Communication: Communication fundamentals, Local area networks, Topology, LAN implementations, Network management and installations.

CIM System: Open System Open systems inter connection, Manufacturing automations protocol and technical office protocol (MAP /TOP).

Database for CIM: Development of databases, Database terminology, Architecture of database systems, Data modeling and data associations, Relational data bases, Database operators, Advantages of data base.

You can easily download Computer Integrated Manufacturing Notes, eBook by clicking the link below.


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Feb 21, 2015
Content updated - i hope these notes/eBook for the subject Computer Integrated Manufacturing is still helpful for students!