MBA summer internship training project report on topic wind power project development & financial modeling PDF download


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Aug 15, 2022
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Hi MBA students,
I am sharing a summer training project report on the topic wind power project development & financial modeling in a PDF file on this thread. This MBA summer training project report has been successfully submitted by one of your senior MBA prost graduate and scored very good marks from the professor.

Here is the objective/abstract covered in this MBA summer internship training project report on wind power project development & financial modeling project-
Wind power development is a riskier investment compared to the investments in conventional sources of energy. In India, diversities in policies/procedures in different states make it even more risky and hence unattractive. The objective of the project is to guide the investors in understanding the procedure of development of wind power project. The intension is to persuade investments in the wind power sector by making the understanding of WPP development procedure simpler. By making the WPP development attractive by developing more understandable, the project is intended to contribute in India’s pursuit of energy security.

Simply click the download link below to get wind power project development & financial modeling summer training project report for MBA course.


  • MBA - wind power project and financial modelling.pdf
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