[Made Easy] Operating System - CSE Gate Handwritten Notes PDF Download


Jun 17, 2018
Student of
Here are some very well written notes on the subject Operating System which were compiled by my friend Suraj during his GATE coaching at Made Easy and Ace Academy. These notes for CSE engineering are all hand written and will give you an overview of the syllabus as well as the key topics that need to be studies on the subject - Operating System.

My advice would be to read these notes at least once and refer to these along with your other GATE notes and study material for Operating System.

List of key topics in this Operating System GATE notes from Made Easy GATE Coaching:
  • Processes, threads, inter-process communication, concurrency and synchronization
  • Memory management and virtual memory
  • Deadlock
  • CPU scheduling
  • File systems (Disks is also under this)
Please click the link below to download the PDF file containing GATE handwritten notes for Operating System. I hope you like them and get help in your GATE exam preparation of CSE branch.

Moreover, please feel free to ask any query below or LIKE this post to motivate me to share more study materials with all students.


  • [Made Easy] Operating System - CSE Gate Handwritten Notes PDF Download.pdf
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