Leadership skills & decision making pdf,lecture notes,ebook download MBA


Mar 12, 2015
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Hello MBA students,

This ebook of Leadership skills & decision making for all management and MBA students. You can easily download this PDF and study. There are few lecture notes that i have on important topics of Leadership skills & decision making, will also share soon. However, you can comment in the box below if you want some other ebook.The content in this ebook is as follows:

Leadership skills & decision making

Team and Team Building:
Team size, composition, and formation, Types of teams, Independent and interdependent teams, Categories by subject, Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams, Not all groups are teams.Team building, Team Management and Team work: Team dynamic, Goals, Leadership roles, Types of exercises, Assessment and feedback & Risks.

Team Work: Success through People; Introduction, Meaning and Problems, Technological Advances, Motivation, Preparing for Change, Changing the Culture.The Search for the High-Performing Team: Determinants of High-Performing Teams, The Four C's,
Composition of the Team, Competencies of the Team, Change Management Skills of the Team, The Context Problem: Why Teamwork Doesn't Work.The Importance of Context for Team: Importance of Effective Teamwork, Types of Teams, organization's context of culture, structure, and systems for supporting teamwork.

Managing the Temporary Team: Preliminary Conditions for Temporary Teams, Design for a Temporary Team, Virtual Teams
Effective Leadership: Difference between Leadership and Management, Leadership versus Management, Different Leadership Styles Overview Leadership: Theories, Styles, Performances, Traits, Contexts, Historical views, Myths, Action oriented environments, Titles emphasizing authority, Critical thought, Varieties of individual power, Executives.

Leadership Theories: Early western history, Rise of alternative theories, Reemergence of trait theory, Attribute pattern approach, Behavioral and style theories, Positive reinforcement, Situational and contingency theories, Functional theory, Integrated psychological theory, Transactional and transformational theories, Leader– member exchange theory: In-group members, Out-group members, Emotions, Neo-emergent theory Creating and communicating a leadership development strategy: Creating a management development vision, Communication strategy of the organization, Role of HR and development in strategy implementation.


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