Instrumental methods of analysis B.Pharma 4th year handwritten PDF notes download


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Nov 8, 2017
Hi BPharma students,
I am sharing the B.Pharma 4th Year Semester 7th handwritten notes for the subject Instrumental methods of analysis. This PDF file for Instrumental methods of analysis B.Pharma 7th semester subject contains brief and concise notes for easy understanding of topics and quick learning.

Main topics covered in these handwritten PDF notes for Instrumental methods of analysis BPharma 4th Year Sem. 7th:

Unit 1 - UV Visible spectroscopy, Fluorimetry

Unit 2 - IR spectroscopy

Unit 3 - Introduction, fundamental modes of vibrations in poly atomic molecules, sample handling, factors affecting vibrations, Flame Photometry, Atomic absorption spectroscopy, Nepheloturbidometry, Introduction to chromatography, Adsorption and partition column chromatography: Methodology and applications, Thin layer chromatography, Electrophoresis

Unit 4 - Gas chromatography, High performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)

Unit 5 - Ion exchange chromatography, Gel chromatography, Affinity chromatography

I hope these handwritten PDF notes on Instrumental methods of analysis of B.Pharma 4th Year Semester 7th will help you in preparing well for your Pharma college examinations. Good luck!


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