Fluid Mechanics question bank with solutions (Q&A) for Mechanical engineering/BTech second year – PDF download


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Aug 15, 2022
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Hello Mechanical engineering students,

Fluid Mechanics is a core subject in the second year of the B.Tech program in AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University) for Mechanical Engineering students. The subject deals with the study of fluid behavior, properties, and forces. It encompasses fluid statics, fluid kinematics, and fluid dynamics. Students learn about pressure and temperature, fluid flow rate, continuity equation, Bernoulli's equation, energy and momentum equations, laminar and turbulent flows, boundary layers, and various flow measurement techniques. The knowledge of Fluid Mechanics is crucial for students interested in fields such as aerospace, automotive, and marine engineering, as well as other related fields.

I am sharing Fluid Mechanics question bank with answers and solutions in Q&A format for Mechanical engineering/BTech second year. This is available as a PDF file for free download below.

List of topics covered in Fluid Mechanics question bank with solutions (Q&A) for Mechanical engineering/BTech second year:

Unit I: Fluid Properties and Statics

Introduction to fluid mechanics, fluid properties, pressure and temperature, hydrostatics, buoyancy and flotation, manometers and barometers, forces on plane and curved surfaces.

Unit II: Fluid Kinematics
Fluid kinematics, Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions, continuity equation, flow rate, and continuity equation applications.

Unit III: Fluid Dynamics
Bernoulli's equation, energy and momentum equations, applications of Bernoulli's equation and momentum equations, dimensional analysis, and similitude.

Unit IV: Laminar and Turbulent Flows
Laminar flow, laminar flow between parallel plates, boundary layer thickness and energy dissipation, turbulent flow, Reynold's number, smooth and rough pipes, velocity distribution in turbulent flow, boundary layer in turbulent flow.

Unit V: Flow Measurement Techniques
Flow measurement techniques, Venturi meter, Orifice meter, Pitot tube, rotameter, electromagnetic flow meter, ultrasonic flow meter.

The PDF file containing Fluid Mechanics question bank with solutions (Q&A) for Mechanical engineering/BTech second year students is available for a free download below.


  • FluidMechanics-BTech-2Year-Question bank.pdf
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