Digital Electronics Lab Manual - BTech Electronics Engineering Notes, eBook PDF Download


Mar 26, 2018
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Hey Future Electronics and Communication Engineer,

On this page, I am sharing very good written classroom lecture notes in eBook PDF format on the subject - Digital Electronics. The subject Digital Electronics is mostly taught in the Second year of the Electronics and Communication Engineering course. Though sometimes, this subject can also be taken up in the third year as well.

I have uploaded this eBook handwritten lecture notes on Digital Electronics in PDF format for easy downloading below. Here is more info on it:

Subject Name: Digital Electronics
Course: Electronics and Communication Engineering - Second Year
No. of Pages in this notes eBook: 61

Topics covered in Digital Electronics lecture notes eBook:
  • Realization of basic logic gates using diodes and transistors
  • Verification of logic gates using digital ICs and configuring NAND and NOR gates as universal logic gates
  • Configuration of binary adders and subtractors
  • Configuration of 4-bit Binary-to-Gray and Gray-to-Binary code convertors
  • Configuration of Octal-to-Binary encoder and BCD-to-Seven Segment decoder
  • Configuration of multiplexer & demultiplexer
  • Configuration of JK-flip-flop, RS-flip-flop, Dflip- flop and T-flip-flop using digital ICs
  • Configuration of universal shift registers using digital IC
  • Configuration of modulo-N ripple counter using T-flip-flops
  • Implementation of of 8-bit ALU using FPGA/CPLD boards
  • Presentation
You can download these lecture notes eBook for the subject - Digital Electronics below.

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