11 tips to get 8 CGPA in semester exam


So maybe you have enjoyed the entire year with average grades and now you realize that you need to catch up soon before it’s too late. Or maybe you tried hard to get some good grades in the previous semester exams but you couldn’t move the rock. In either cases, end semester exams come as a golden chance. You can still be in the run to get an eight CGPA in your current year . All you need to do is pull up your socks and work by these tips to fetch those grades.

So maybe you have enjoyed the entire year with average grades and now you realize that you need to catch up soon before it’s too late. Or maybe you tried hard to get some good grades in the previous semester exams but you couldn’t move the rock. In either cases, end semester exams come as a golden chance. You can still be in the run to get an eight CGPA in your current year . All you need to do is pull up your socks and work by these tips to fetch those grades.

1Start early

Do not try to cram syllabus the night before the test. So it’s better to start early. Try to read ahead of your teacher .If not ahead atleast try to be in pace with what’s going in the class. You can watch videos on YouTube or refer to books for the same. Starting early will you give time to revise complete syllabus.

2Prepare strategically

End semester exams are of the maximum weightage as compared to the internal/semester exams which are held during the semester. So this is your chance to get some good grades in your bag. Focus on the important topics and prepare them thoroughly. Make notes.

3First few questions will lead you to the way

Attempt the first few questions well. As the famous phrase says” FIRST IMPRESSION IS THE LAST IMPRESSION” .Spend a considerable time writing the first few questions. Often your teacher judges you on the basis of how have you written the first few questions. The faculty gets an idea of how much you know.

4Step by step

Consider your question (especially numericals) as your ladder and you have to climb it step by step to reach the answer. With every step you take you earn marks and if you miss it consequently you lose marks. It is as simple as that. Remember that the teachers have a pre designed marking scheme with them while they check your answer sheet according to which a certain amount of marks should be given at each step ,so leave no step unclimbed.

5Answer according to the marks assigned

This is a very important aspect to fetch marks. Often students fill up long pages for a less mark question. Play it smart. Have a look at the marks assigned to the question you are going to attempt. Answer accordingly, if it is a question of 1or 2 marks answer to the point and if it is a 5 or 6 marker then elaborate your answer as much as you can.

6Follow the unasked question

While preparing the initial syllabus of the semester you might swing between what to study and what not to. Here’s the trick, have a look at the question paper of your first semester test/exam , see what topics have been asked. Now prepare on those topics which were left unasked. This will help you in trimming the bulky syllabus you have to cover.

7Be in the good books for your teachers

Believe it or not your fate is in the hands of your teachers. There is a prominent part of your total result which lies in their hands. How much you get in your internals is the deciding factor of your CGPA. Internals consists of the teacher’ s assessment , your attendance, projects &  assignments which may be given to you. Just be nice to your teacher, submit your assignments on time and attend your lectures.

8Be legible

Try to avoid overwriting during the exam. Have a readable handwriting. Use sub headings while writing the exam. Make your answer sheet look neat and properly numbered. Underline the important points, save your teachers time .Underling will grab your teacher’s attention to the important points. Being legible works as it worked in this case! Hence proved

9Answer in points

When you are asked a theoretical question. Make sure you don’t end up writing long passages. Answer in points. Number them properly. Teachers generally avoid reading the entire answer so they may miss some key points. To avoid this, write in points so they do not miss anything while checking.

10Revise well

No matter how much and how well you study. Revision is very important. Going through what you have studied is never a bad idea. So do not forget to revise.

11Mention what is given

While solving numericals in physics or electrical science where you are suppose to solve numerical questions it is advised to jot down what parameters are given in the question. This will help you in guessing the appropriate formula and you will also not miss any parameter for the same.

You have faced many exams before and this is just another one. All you need to do is work hard for what you want and once you do that, just relax! Stay calm and witness some positive changes in your grade card!

Originally posted 2016-07-28 17:49:20.


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