Tag: engineering in india
10 Reasons Why Engineering Students Should Blog and Change their Life Forever
We believe that the internet is expanding its dimensions every second. As an engineering student, you can create new opportunities by starting to BLOG! In this post, we'll share 10 cool...
10 Things we Learn in the First Year at an Engineering College
When we are in school, we always dream about what our life could be once we enter college. And if your chosen stream is engineering - you may already be dreaming...
Top 10 pet dialogues of annoying engineering professors
Engineering lectures are normally very bland and boring since we don't have Sushmita Sen (Main hoon na) like teachers in reality! Most faculties at engineering colleges have their peculiar style of...
Woah! Exit Test for Engineering Students to Determine Employability?
We know you are struggling with your CGPA and suddenly you may soon be bombed with yet another exam - "The EXIT TEST"! You entered an engineering college passing a test and...