Pharmaceutical Biotechnology B.Pharma 3rd year handwritten PDF notes download


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Nov 8, 2017
Hi B.Pharma students,
I am sharing the B.Pharma 3rd Year Semester 6th handwritten notes for the subject Pharmaceutical Biotechnology . This PDF file for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology B.Pharma 6th semester subject contains brief and concise notes for easy understanding of topics and quick learning.

Main topics covered in these handwritten PDF notes for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology B.Pharma 3rd Year Sem. 6th:

Unit 1 - Brief introduction to Biotechnology with reference to Pharmaceutical Sciences, Enzyme Biotechnology, Biosensors, Enzymes
Unit 2 - Study of cloning vectors, restriction endonucleases and DNA ligase, Application of r DNA technology and genetic engineering in the production of Interferon, Vaccines- hepatitis- B & Hormones-Insulin
Unit 3 - ypes of immunity- humoral immunity, cellular immunity
Unit 4 - Immuno blotting techniques- ELISA, Western blotting, Southern blotting, Introduction to Microbial biotransformation and applications
Unit 5 - Study of the production of – penicillins, citric acid, Vitamin B12, Glutamic acid, Griseofulvin, Blood Products

I hope these handwritten PDF notes on Pharmaceutical Biotechnology of B.Pharma 3rd Year Semester 6th will help you in preparing well for your Pharma college examinations. Good luck!


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