Mechanics of Solids question bank with solutions (Q&A) for engineering/BTech second year – PDF download


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Aug 15, 2022
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Hello B.Tech students,

Mechanics of Solids is a core subject that is usually offered to students pursuing their B.Tech in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and related branches in most Indian universities including AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University). Mechanics of Solids is an important subject for students in their second year under AKTU. It deals with the study of forces and deformations on rigid and deformable bodies. The subject emphasizes the analysis of the behavior of materials under different types of loads, such as tension, compression, bending, and shear. Students learn about stress, strain, and their relationship, as well as the mechanical properties of materials, including elasticity, plasticity, and fracture. The subject also covers topics such as torsion, deflection of beams, and the stability of columns. Through this subject, students gain a fundamental understanding of the mechanics of solids, which is essential for designing and analyzing various mechanical components and structures.

I am sharing Mechanics of Solids question bank with answers and solutions in Q&A format for engineering/BTech second year. This is available as a PDF file for free download below.

List of topics covered in Mechanics of Solids question bank with solutions (Q&A) for engineering/BTech second year:

Unit 1: Introduction to Mechanics of Solids

  • Stress, strain, and deformation
  • Types of forces and their representation
  • Concepts of stress and strain
  • Stress-strain diagrams
Unit 2: Analysis of Stress and Strain
  • Principal stresses and principal strains
  • Mohr’s circle
  • Strain energy and impact loading
  • Strain compatibility equations

Unit 3: Axial Loading and Torsion
  • Deformation under axial loading
  • Statically indeterminate problems
  • Torsion of circular and non-circular sections
  • Shear stress and strain in circular and non-circular sections
Unit 4: Bending of Beams
  • Theory of simple bending
  • Section modulus and bending stress
  • Shear stress distribution
  • Stresses in beams of two materials
Unit 5: Analysis of Stress and Strain in Three Dimensions
  • Analysis of stress and strain in three dimensions
  • Analysis of combined loading
  • Mohr’s circle in three dimensions
Unit 6: Deflection of Beams
  • Double-integration method
  • Moment-area method
  • Method of superposition
  • Conjugate beam method
Unit 7: Strain Energy and Virtual Work
  • Strain energy concepts
  • Virtual work principles
  • Castigliano’s theorem
  • Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem
Unit 8: Stability of Equilibrium
  • Equilibrium and stability
  • Buckling of columns
  • Euler’s formula
  • Rankine’s formula
The PDF file containing Mechanics of Solids question bank with solutions (Q&A) for engineering/BTech second year students is available for a free download below.


  • MechanicsOfSolids-BTech-2Year-Question bank.pdf
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