List of important books for ME Mechanical engg. for GATE preparation


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Jan 18, 2015
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GATE - Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is one of the most popular entrance exam for engineers to get admission to M.Tech and also to jobs in Public Sector Units (PSUs).

Here, we are sharing list of important books for GATE aspirants of ME/Mechanical Engineering.

GATE Mechanical Engineering Books

  1. Engineering Thermodynamics : PK Nag
  2. IC Engine: ML Mathur and RP Sharma
  3. Gas Turbine and Propulsive Systems: PR Khajuria & SP Dubey
  4. Fluid Mechanics: Modi & Seth, RK Bansal
  5. Compressible Flow: SM Yahya
  6. Heat and Mass Transfer: JP Hollman, RC Sachdeva
  7. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: CP Arora, Domkundwar
  8. Fluid Machinery: Jagdish Lal, RK Bansal
  9. Theory of Machines: RS Khurmi, Malik & Ghosh
  10. Mechanical Vibration : Grover
  11. Machine Design: Shigley, VB Bhandari
  12. Material Science: WD Callister, IP Singh
  13. Production Engineering: Kalpkjian Schmid, Amitabh Ghosh & AK Malik
  14. Industrial Engineering: O P Khanna, Buffa & Sarin
  15. Operations Research: Kanti Swarup
  16. Strength of Materials: Gere & Timoshenko, BC unamia, Sadhu Singh
Prepare a proper time table and the topics you need to cover in a day. Only proper planning will make you clear GATE with good marks. Most of these books come with complete exercise problems and important notes.

In addition, note that there are many books in the market but we have provided you the names of best and most popular books to crack GATE. At the end though, it's your effort which matters.

All the best.