Discrete Mathematical Structures Lecture notes/ebook for Engineering/BTech - PDF Download


Mar 15, 2017
Hello BTech First Year students, I am sharing the Discrete Mathematical Structures PDF class lecture notes, eBook, book as per the BTech/Engineeing course syllabus. This is a common subject for all engineering students and these Discrete Mathematical Structures quick revision notes will help you score more marks and help study in less time.

List of topics covered in Discrete Mathematical Structures quick revision PDF Hand written class notes, book, eBook for BTech:

  • Logic: Propositional equivalence, predicates and quantifiers, Methods of proofs, proof strategy, sequences and summation, mathematical induction, recursive definitions and structural induction, program correctness.
  • Counting: The basics of counting, the pigeonhole principle, permutations and combinations, recurrence relations, solving recurrence relations, generating functions, inclusion-exclusion principle, application of inclusion-exclusion.
  • Relations: Relations and their properties, n-array relations and their applications, representing relations, closure of relations, equivalence of relations, partial orderings.
  • Graph theory: Introduction to graphs, graph terminology, representing graphs and graph isomorphism, connectivity, Euler and Hamilton paths, planar graphs, graph coloring, introduction to trees, application of trees.
  • Group theory: Groups, subgroups, generators and evaluation of powers, co-sets and Lagrange's theorem, permutation groups and Burnside's theorem, isomorphism, automorphisms, homomorphism and normal subgroups, rings, integral domains and fields.
  • Lattice theory: Lattices and algebras systems, principles of duality, basic properties of algebraic systems defined by lattices, distributive and complimented lattices, Boolean lattices and Boolean algebras, uniqueness of finite Boolean expressions, prepositional calculus.
  • Coding theory: Coding of binary information and error detection, decoding and error correction.
Please click the download link below to get Discrete Mathematical Structures quick revision PDF Hand written class notes, book, eBook file for BTech/Engineering syllabus.


  • BTech Sem 5 - Discrete Mathematical Structures.pdf
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Sep 11, 2018
Hey friends there is great deck of notes and ebooks !! you should try too..