Annually, thousands of students migrate to Australia for study purposes. An even a larger number of student visa applications are lodged with the high commission where they are scrutinised and filtered on various parameters. Getting an approval for the Australian student visa may be more difficult for some students than others.
Listed below are 8 reasons due to which your Australian Student Visa application may be rejected (Visa Rejection & Refusal Reasons for Indian Students):
1Failed to meet fiscal requirement
You are required to provide the evidence of adequate funds to cover tuition fees, living and travel cost. If any candidate is unable to meet the financial criteria, in that case visa will be refused. Further if the applicant has lack of funds, or the evidence provided is not from an acceptable financial institution, then in both cases, the visa application will be refused.
The sponsor must provide the evidence that he/she has adequate funds and ensure that the proof of funds is at least 3 months old, prior to the visa application lodged. Acceptable proofs are bank statements, statement of fixed deposit etc.
2A big gap of education
If you have not been attending any college or school for significant time period,or you have gap in between, including where enrolment is not maintained. In these cases,you need to provide an appropriate explanation whenasked by the immigration department. There’s a great possibility that your visa application may be refused because of this factor.
3Incomplete knowledge of your Australian course and university
During the GTE interview, if you failed to provide precise knowledge of your intended course that you are going to pursue in Australia, the location, name and other relevant information of your university/institution,then probably, your visa application will be refused.
4A dependent
When your spouse or any dependent is accompanying you, and the dependent has provided relationship documents or supporting documents to support the visa application. However, if the provided documents indicate the relationship is not genuine, or if the provided documents are not genuine, then this may lead to refusal of your application.
5Fraud in documentation
Do note that all the supporting documents provided by you are cross checked and verified. If you have provided a non-genuine document to support the visa application; for example, changed the figures of your income tax, salary, bank statement, education loan letter or employer’s letter; then it is likely that your candidature will be refused under fraud PIC 4020 and the applicant is banned for 3 years to apply for any visa.
6Your qualifications
If your previous qualifications do not match to the intended course, in that case you need to provide the appropriate explanation why you have opted the course which does not match with your previous study and describe how the intended course would benefit your career. If you are not able to explain this appropriately, then, in that case your application may get rejected.
7Delay in responding
You need to respond to the Immigration Department within the specified time frame provided by them, like 7 days or 28 days for additional documents, any other information or for an interview. If you do not respond to the immigration department within the provided timeframe,your visa application may get refused.
8No future plan
If you fail to provide concrete future plan in relation to the course which you want to pursue in Australia,then your Australian visa application might get rejected.
Originally posted 2018-04-25 19:57:36.