We believe that the internet is expanding its dimensions every second. As an engineering student, you can create new opportunities by starting to BLOG! In this post, we’ll share 10 cool reasons to further convince you to blog.
Every company does its marketing by the means of social networking, through blogs, write-ups, advertisements etc. The best part is blogging does not require any degree. A ten-year-old can also start a blog provided you have the right skills to do it. So here we present you some reasons why as an engineering student, you should start a blog:
In college we all have experienced the money crunch. What’s best to make money in your free time by writing a blog/ article. You can work as a part time blogger in a company and earn a minimum of Rs 2000 every month. Instead of not working at all, don’t you feel it’s a good idea to create your own money making system.
Blogging may not seem like a very interesting to you till now as you hated writing those long English essays you were forced to write in the school but writing a blog is totally different from it. Blogs are updated frequently. Blogs allow for reader engagement. They are often included in social media because of the ability for readers to comment and have a discussion with the blogger and others who read the blog makes it social. Blogging act as a great search engine optimizing tool as search engines crave for new content.
When you sit down for any interview the jury will always be looking for something apart from academics and blogging is a score booster at that point. It will reflect your multi personality and give you an edge among others. It will also help you in adding a job experience to your CV.
Suppose you are an outstanding web designer. You made all efforts show the world your talent and your works by paying people to publicize your work. But how about starting a blog for your work and promoting it there. It is more useful as you would be open to suggestions, questions and appreciation.
Blogging is not only about writing good contents it is branched into many other aspects which will require your technical knowledge and will give the taste of marketing business too. You will promote your blog consequently you will come across various methods of doing it, you will get the back-end view of an operating marketing platform. Overall you will have improved writing and digital literacy.
The more you blog the more you surf the internet the more your dictionary of words will improve. Good vocabulary skills are paramount in any workplace and is always appreciated. It will give you exposure and increase your creativity exponentially.
Blogging has become very simple and accessible these days. You can blog from anywhere about anything whenever they are in the mood to reflect. Along with other multimedia artifacts, blogs become more engaging and almost interactive for the readers.
Sites like word press increasingly pays to understand in the business and work worlds. Students that get some experience with it early will likely reap the benefits long term. Hence blogs will serve as learning as well as showcase portfolios. A blog can function as an online portfolio and dramatically increase your chances of getting hired. They allow us to highlight our best work and discuss it in a more creative and expressive way.
What is easier than writing down a blog and letting your ideas flow via words. It requires very less time, you can manage it with your studies very easily. You just have to sit down with your laptop and type your ideas to the world.
If you ever start up a business within your niche, you will have the added advantage of already having a vast network. Having a blog triggers your outreach consequently making contacts with people who might be useful later.
So, don’t wait, Start Blogging! Nothing is as easier as this. CHEERS!
Originally posted 2017-08-07 09:18:52.